At Dolphin Detailing, we understand the importance of keeping the interior of your vehicle clean and fresh. Our interior cleaning services include vacuuming, wiping down surfaces, and cleaning upholstery to ensure your car looks and smells like new.
Our exterior wash services are designed to remove dirt, grime, and debris from the surface of your vehicle. We use high-quality cleaning products and techniques to ensure a thorough clean without damaging your paint.
Waxing your car not only adds shine to your vehicle's exterior but also provides protection against elements like UV rays and bird droppings. Our waxing services will leave your car with a glossy finish that lasts.
Polishing helps to remove minor scratches and swirl marks from your car's paint, giving it a smooth and shiny appearance. Our polishing services will leave your vehicle looking like new.
Over time, headlights can become cloudy or yellowed, reducing visibility at night. Our headlight restoration services will restore clarity to your headlights, improving safety while driving.
A clay bar treatment helps to remove embedded contaminants from your car's paint, leaving it smooth and contaminant-free. Our clay bar treatment will leave your paint looking flawless.
Ceramic coating provides long-lasting protection for your car's paint, making it easier to clean and adding a layer of shine. Our ceramic coating services will keep your vehicle looking great for months to come.
Paint protection film, also known as clear bra, helps to protect your car's paint from chips, scratches, and stains. Our paint protection film services will keep your paint looking pristine.
Ozone treatment is an effective way to eliminate odors from your car, such as smoke or pet smells. Our ozone treatment services will leave your vehicle smelling fresh and clean.
If your car has stubborn odors that won't go away, our odor removal services can help. We use professional techniques to completely eliminate odors and leave your car smelling like new.
Our interior detailing services go beyond basic cleaning to address every inch of your car's interior. From steam cleaning to leather conditioning, we'll make sure your car's interior looks its best.
Exterior detailing is essential for maintaining your car's appearance and protecting its paint. Our exterior detailing services will leave your car shining like new.
Regular car washing is important for preventing dirt and grime from damaging your vehicle's paint. Our car washing services are quick and efficient, leaving your car clean and sparkling.
Buffing your car's paint helps to remove imperfections and restore shine. Our buffing services will leave your car looking smooth and flawless.
Our exterior cleaning services are designed to remove dirt, salt, and grime from your vehicle's exterior, leaving it looking clean and well-maintained.
Protecting your car's paint is important for maintaining its resale value and appearance. Our paint protection services will keep your vehicle looking great for years to come.
Leather upholstery can become dry and cracked over time without proper conditioning. Our leather conditioning services will keep your car's interior looking luxurious.
Steam cleaning is a safe and effective way to remove dirt and stains from your car's interior surfaces. Our steam cleaning services will leave your car looking fresh and clean.
Our interior detail services include a deep clean of every surface in your car's interior, from carpets to dashboards. We'll make sure every inch of your car's interior looks like new.
Keeping your wheels clean is important for both appearance and performance. Our wheel cleaning services will remove brake dust and grime, leaving your wheels looking shiny and new.
Adding tire shine to your tires not only enhances their appearance but also protects them from UV rays and cracking. Our tire shine services will keep your tires looking great.
Deep cleaning your car's carpets can remove embedded dirt, stains, and odors. Our carpet shampoo services will leave your car's interior looking and smelling fresh.
Stubborn odors can be tough to get rid of, but our odor elimination services are up to the task. We'll remove even the most persistent odors from your car, leaving it smelling clean and fresh.
Contact us today to learn more about our services and schedule an appointment. Click the link at the top of the page to visit our Google Business profile, where you can check out our reviews and easily get in touch with us. We look forward to hearing from you!